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Hungarian Tyre manufacturer increases production by 50%

The world’s fastest growing tyre manufacturer has reduced pollution whilst increasing production by 50%, with a C-RCO unit from Centrica Business Solutions Zrt.
C-RCO unit weighing 200 tonnes
Industrial burner with a 350 kW capacity
Productivity increased by 50%

Minimising pollution, maximising production

When one of the world’s fastest growing tyre manufacturers planned to open a new industrial plant in Hungary, it wanted to ensure that production processes were maximised without increasing the release of harmful gases, which are a by-product of the tyre manufacturing process.

A bespoke burner

As part of the plans for the new industrial plant, Centrica Business Solutions Zrt. designed, built and installed a bespoke C-RCO polluted air burner unit. The project involved designing the air duct system, gas supply and electrical cabling at the plant, as well as the C-RCO unit itself.  The 200 tonne unit is equipped with two 1,000m3/hour fans, which suck air from the machinery and pass it through bag filters. 16,000 individual filters then extract the harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the waste gases.  
A 350 kW industrial burner helps to purify the gases, before they are released safely into the atmosphere.

The results

The industrial plant opened ahead of schedule and can process an additional 17,000 tyres per day, a 50% increase on usual daily production.  Thanks to the C-RCO unit from Centrica Business Solutions Zrt., this increased productivity will not have an impact on the environment.

The industrial plant opened ahead of schedule and can process an additional 17,000 tyres per day.”

Why Centrica Business Solutions?

• A team of technology innovators who could design, build and install a bespoke C-RCO unit to exactly meet
the customer’s requirements
• With a large, experienced team, Centrica Business Solutions Zrt. can scale to meet projects of any size
or deadline

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